We provide a wide range of medical services in order to accommodate a larger range of symptoms.
Your case will dictate the type of
care you will receive.
We work with the chiropractors
in our office in the event you
require more than medical care.
Our recommendations include:
Medication for Pain Relief: Medications are often needed during the first part of care to relieve pain, relax muscles and start healing.
Physio-therapy. Therapy is often used to relieve pain, increase range of motion and speed healing.
Musculo-skeletal Rehab. Rehab exercises are
used to improve range of motion, retrain injured
areas and strengthen those areas.
Spinal Decompression. Just as it sounds,
decompression is used to decompress the spine.
This allows pinched nerves or compressed discs
and spinal joints to heal.
X-ray. X-rays may be used to rule our certain conditions and confirm others.
Lifestyle Modification. Occasionally you may need to alter your habits or activities of daily living.
Orthotics/Supports. Orthotics, supports and other devices protect the body from re-injury and restrict body motion to promote healing.
If you are currently a patient, and are not receiving a service you feel would help your condition, feel free to discuss it with Dr. Wagner or Dr. Carlson.